Everyone has different skin types. Perbedan that this skin type may be influenced by genetic, environmental and weather is too cold. In addition, dry skin can also be caused by the increase of the age. Scaly skin can also be affected by medical factors, such as:
Infections, such as leprosy or HIV/tiroidPenyakit kankerObat AIDSSarkoidosisPenyakit issues such as gland-specific drugs such as cimetidine, clofazimine and Nicotinic.
To overcome the skin dry and flaky, you can use the following tips:
1. Enter your nutrition for the skin
Skin needs essential nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and other important minerals. So, the food intake of cukupi skin from drying out.
2. keep your skin moist
Scaly skin caused by dry skin can be overcome by keeping the skin moist with skin penyebaba avoid drought, such as the bath too long, pools with hot water, using SOAP which contains excess chemicals and others.
3. Routine use of Lotion
The Lotion is very help to moisturize the skin, skin with vitamin E, milk can make skin more supple.
4. treatment of scaly skin with natural ingredients
Olive oil and jojoba oil is very well used to hydrate the skin. Apply the oil and massage gently with circular movements until the oil penetrates the skin.
5. iktiosis therapy
This therapy consists of topical and systemic therapy. Current therapy aims to improve skin conditions because at iktiosis, a decline of the function of the skin retain moisture. The hydration of the skin by the use of emollient and keratolitik materials use can enhance the deviations that occur. Application use moisturizing creams, ointments, oils or lotions are matched to the severity of the iktiosis, the State of the skin moisture as well as a State of the environment. On a humid climate, large iktiosis light sebagan clinical improvement experienced.