Pneumothoraks is one of the types of illnesses that occur in pulmonary membrane, the pleura. This is the pulmonary cavity membrane located between the membranes that line the lungs and chest cavity. And so on a translucent chest x-rays examination of the visible presence of air in the cavity. This is Pneumothoraks. Whereas in normal circumstances pleural cavity contains the lungs no air to blow up pretty thoraks against Cavities. Diagnosis of pneumothoraks depends on the line that formed on the edge of the pleural lung the chest wall, diaphragm or mediastinum separates through the air, and also the absence of shade on the outside of the line.
The entry of air in the pleural space distinguishes itself in two ways:
Spontaneous Pneumothoraks
Pneumothoraks primary spontaneously occur in patients that are not found lung disease. Type Pneumothoraks is caused by the rupture of small pouches filled the air in the lungs is called a bleb or: bull. The disease often appears on high-berpostur skinny men, 20-24 years old. Factors that can cause the disease is cigarette smoking and family history with the same illness. This condition can occur repeatedly and often becomes a chronic condition.
Whereas in secondary spontaneous Pneumothoraks is complications of lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis and whooping cough.
Traumatic Pneumothoraks
Pneumothoraks arise on this traumatic injuries as a result of the breast. Traumanya is a wound such as a spit penetrates and bullets or blunt effect on accidents such as motor vehicles. In addition, it may also be as a result of the action of certain medical complications, for example Torakosentesis. Outdoor air in the pleural space through a puncture wound or accidental pneumothoraks (artificial) and therapy, in terms of expenditure or reduce a specific process kavitas now no longer happens. The purpose of the Pneumothoraks is intentionally diagnostic to stand out from the masses, or derived from the pleura or lung tissue. While the cause of the other Pneumothoraks the Act of a biopsy of pulmonary and pleural cavity fluid transmission is.
The influx of air through the mediastinum are usually caused by trauma to the trachea or inspection actions must be esophageal with tools (Endoscopic) or sharp objects that are swallowed. Malignancies in the mediastinum can also result in the air in the pleural space through a fistula between the proximal airway with a pleural cavity. Air can also be derived from subdiafragma with a tear of the stomach as a result of trauma or asbestos subdiafragma with germs-forming gases.