For those couples who are married and plan does not add any child is also known to perform prevention of pregnancy using birth control, it's got to be a mutual agreement between husband and wife. Of the many forms of birth control, there are two types of based on his time as a temporary means birth control will prevent pregnancy in a period ranging from one month to five years, and permanent contraceptives that vasectomy and tubektomi.
The community has many well-known birth control that is used to access the KB. A cheap and environmentally friendly bags due to be installed by trained personnel and reach millions of took a long time. But there are ways of contraception that is not too popular in comparison with other contraceptives. The vasectomy and tubektomi. This is because the understanding of the people who are less profound fear and how this contraceptive.
Vasectomy is done by cutting the vas deferense (sperm tubes), the deduction of about 0.5 cm through the short operational for about ten minutes. Vasectomy for men who for the fact that no more children have pursued. Because after a vasectomy than could ejaculate again.
If want to have a child returned, can be done connecting go back (rekanalisasi) and micro-surgery, but the result will not be the same with 100% original condition. The longer the vasectomy when direkanalisasi, the ability to have children will decrease. So when choose vasectomy as means of contraception, should have a steady heart. Despite the divasektomi loses the man not sexual desire.
Tubektomi is a permanent birth control method for women. This is the same case with the vasectomy. His heart must be steadily if you choose this way. The operation of this birth control is by cutting the fallopian tubes both channels that connect the ovaries and uterus. Then the ends are sealed with a ring or burned (kauter). If you don't want to, that can bind the cut the fallopian tubes or the clamp channel (tubal ring/tubal clip). So can't the egg produced by sperm. Because in normal circumstances will the egg that is cooked on the tuba tuba tubes tubes where the length of about 10 cm. waiting for a sperm to fertilized. If are successfully fertilized, the embryo will be heading to the uterus and attaches there.
So the similarity of vasectomy and tubektomi are cut off channels so that sperm and egg cells cannot be met and therefore cannot be conception. Both are almost irrevocable (reversal), if you want to cancel the operation, but the results are not the same as before.