Lemon is the kitchen very closely in the ear mother-housewife. Who does not know the lemon? But whether it functions as an ingredient? Of course not. The fruit is very sour taste, it has many advantages for beauty. There are many beauty products made from lemons. And here's how to care for the face with lemon.
Lemon is an expert in dealing with oily skin. The trick is to operate a half slice of lemon and then ground. The grated lemons squeezed and pulled his water alone. Combine lime juice with a spoonful of honey. Stir stir and gently apply it on the face. Leave it on for about fifteen to thirty minutes. After that, rinse with warm water to maximize the absorption of nutrients from the mixture. The flushing method end cold water to use. To maximize the results if you do at least once in a week.
This is to the face skin is smooth and soft. The trick is to prepare a quarter of fresh milk, four teaspoons of water to the juice of a lime. Both mixed and allowed to coagulate milk. Apply mixture of milk and lemon Water using cotton. Leave it on for about fifteen to thirty minutes. Then rinse with warm water and cold water. For maximum results mask a lime and milk can be done once a week. Note that facial skin are clean before the process of pemaskeran is done. This is to remove the germs or bacteria that stick to diwajah that can work the mask became useless. To clean your face use a face cleanser or facial SOAP.
For how to care for the face with lemon is easy using existing jannick lemon sliced thin and applied to the face. This gives a refreshing effect. It can also just use only water and apply-ngoleskannya to the rest of the face.