Breastfeeding advised to resume under 2 years old children, such as UNICEF and the American Academy of Pediatrics. This causes the immune substances in breast milk is still can be by the protection of the health of children against the disease. But in the last 2 years of breastfeeding can also the mother experienced pregnancy, or planned or pregnancy pregnancy without planned. So for reasons still important immune substances needed fruit of his heart to the age of 2 years is what makes the nursing mothers during pregnancy.
Pregnancy is the long-awaited for couples who want children. The good times experienced during pregnancy is often a kenagan that the mother must not be forgotten. Each pregnancy has a different story, this is what makes it unique. What's more when you felt when breastfeeding during pregnancy. Happiness pulses will be felt by the mother. Inexhaustible love poured out for children and fetuses. Incredible power in anugrahkan make a mother.
Some worry about or nursing mothers during pregnancy will not interfere with fetal development? In addition, during early pregnancy fetal definitely in dire need of good nutrition for the growth of the fetus was perfect during its development. Vital organs are formed in the first trimester of pregnancy. As long as the mother continues to pay attention to the intake of nutrients with a nutritious diet and vitamin intake, liquid should so that mothers are not dehydrated, breastfeeding positions do not suppress the mother's stomach, proper rest, when mothers feel less healthy should not be forced to relax during breastfeeding, breastfeeding on overcome the uterine contractions as a result of the work of the hormone oksitoksin, always the health and pregnancy screening with your doctor. Nursing activities expected when pregnant no consequences for the fetus.
Breastfeeding during pregnancy to as Tandem nursing. Increased gestational age the production of breast milk also is due to the high levels of the hormone estrogen causes limited breast milk be changed. A result of this change in taste breast milk often make the child stop sucking.
Find out as much as possible about breastfeeding while pregnant mothers are trust and comfortable life during pregnancy and lactation.