List menu settings for people with high cholesterol levels, is an important part in the process of enterprises to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. The settings menu is no good, would have led to the cholesterol level become higher compared to before the fast. What to consider when composing menu fast for high cholesterol?
Here are some hints and tips make menu fast for people with high cholesterol processed from various sources, including:
Takjil is a quick menu while it is supposed to be increasing the intake of food and calories consumed between Maghreb until shortly before the Maghrib prayers fulfilled. The recommended consumption of takjil is a glass of hot tea along with a date or other high-calorie foods that are easy to digest. Avoid consumption of first takjil fried, steamed or roasted.
Snack after fasting
Snacks are consumed for the main meal and made at the time of Maghrib prayer to pray ' Isha ' time ' and tarawih. The consumption of snacks that are recommended are two tangkup sandwiches or sandwich of fruit and sandwiches of tuna, salmon, fruit salad or vegetable with the consumption of drinks fruit juice, young coconut milk or soy and mung beans without coconut milk.
The main Dinner menu
The main Menu should be consumed after tarawih prayers or three hours after the fast break so that the digestive organs are better equipped in the intake of food to digest. The main menu can be consumed white rice or red rice or cereals with a side dish of fish, the meat is lean and without skin. Vegetable consumed is that a vegetable with coconut milk gravy is clearly without such as soup. Avoid consuming baked side dish and better food processing through a steamed, grilled or baked. When forced to FRY, corn oil or soybean oil. For desserts would be considerable consumption of fruit or soup a banana pudding for the intake of dietary fiber.
So some tips and tips make quick menu for people with high cholesterol are simple and easy. For fat intake, should only be consumed when the feast Suhoor and the type of fat consumed is unsaturated fats like avocado or brown. Welcome to fast and can be helpful.