Whittle teeth while sleeping or in a medical term called Bruxism. Bruxism is the occurrence of friction gear the bottom and the top are strong enough so that a gemerutuk voice. Bruxism usually occurs at night when sleeping, can occur in children or adults, the difference of the two is the cause of ditimbukan. Bruxism is usually aware of people around who are in a room with the sufferer Bruxism.The cause of bruxism in children is a result of discomfort in the body due to the infection and flu or allergies. The cause of bruxism in adults emotional factors, such as stress, anxiety, anger and in beds of skyrocket due to consume alcohol and are also the consequence of smoking. But overall it was the cause of bruxism between adults and children as follows.
The cause of bruxism:
Less jaw teeth arrangement.The high natural alcohol blood.Stress, anxiety.Many consume food/drinks contain caffeine.Sleep patterns that are less baikMengorok time tidurKebiasaan smoking
Due to Bruxism
Due to the impact of teeth grinding is damaging the teeth and the jaw joint. This is because the pressure too strong between the teeth, so that the bottom and the top layer of dentin of teeth are exposed. The other is the result of damage to the teeth and also buffer binding network gear. Leading to pain, headache and muscle pain in the neck.
Addressing Bruxism
How to deal with Bruxism should be integrated that way through two psychological problems and dental problems itself. Psychological problems to know what the main causes of the problems that lead to teeth grinding. While to address the tooth itself did repairs on dental and periodontal condition for normal.
Is the occurrence of abnormalities in the joints of the jaw of the results of the study habits of whittle the teeth during sleep 95%. And 35% of the damage in the joints themselves. But from the patient's own only 20% of people sufferers are hardly aware and know the cause.