advances in technology offer a variety of benefits for people of different ages. However, this does not mean that technological advances are free of side effects. According to some experts from Netherlands was one of the adverse effects of the development of the era Back ' Game Boy '. What is a game boy back?
Two surgeons from Netherlands, Andre Sai and Piet van Loon explains that the phenomenon of the use of technology that tends to overdo it on the modern society is caused by an increasing number of young people affected by the disruption of GameBoy back.
Game Boy back is a condition where the spine is curved and sometimes a slipped disc or herniated disc due to the habit of modern-era-children who often spend time playing games consoles or smart phones.
In fact, according to Sai and van Loon, symptoms such as this last time occurred during slavery in the European continent, i.e. more than a hundred years ago.
Through articles published in the journal Health Medical Contact, expose Netherlands, van Loon and Sai that disruption is ' Game Boy ' back most often found in children and adolescents aged from 8 to 18 years.
Exposes more of Wage that human bones as a bonsai tree, due to the reaction of the growth of bone with wooden response if forced to grow in a certain direction within a long period of time, then the bones is aligned to the direction of the tunbuh State.
However, both of these surgical origin Netherlands answer pakae considers that the problem is not in the gadget. So no need to using gadgets or smart phones and such limit. Rather than forbid children use smart phones or gadgets, better attention and explanation by parents pay, so that the children get used to sit with the attitude and the right position on the console while gaming.
If the parents want to know whether their children are exposed to Game Boy back or not, it is advisable that you proposed a simple test if Andre Sai and Rita Verma.
Ask your child to bend down and try to hit their toes to her form as the shape of the letter ' N '. When children lose their game boy back, then the child will not have enough power to the body to touch the toes Flex.