Youngest is choose teeth that most romance (the third Pick) grow. There are 4 youngest two choose grow above and two more grow under. The teeth usually grow, the youngest aged 18-25 years. The often problematic is the youngest teeth bottom, the bottom is not enough space for the teeth to grow causing tooth youngest ingrown or grows sideways.
A problem that often occurs when the tooth is the youngest grow:
GUM bengkakGigi the front of the sensitiveSakit extends to the neck and also the pipiSulit open mulutSusah makananMenimbulkan fever chewing
when teeth have to unplug your youngest?When the youngest grow teeth perfectly and without any problems don't have to detach. But if the growth of the youngest brought dental problems and complaints remained immediately went to the dentist for consultation for further processing. Before you actually perform the removal of the youngest teeth consult in advance the effect will be on the akibatkan and the profit will be obtained after the youngest extractions. Do the scanning and or x-rays.
Time of the revocation on the youngest doctor will inject the dental anesthetic to relieve pain during surgery. Start by opening the gum and the tooth is divided into two parts, namely a tooth root and tooth parts of the head, a fragment of the head would then be issued in susul with the root of the tooth to the elevator. Connect the rear wound surgical scars with stitches. Dental surgery youngest process takes about 15 minutes – 1 hour. The length of time of the operation depends on the condition of the teeth of the youngest. Patients recommend to rest for 1-2 days after the surgery, performed as a complaint takes 1 week open threads until really the doctor stated condition gums and teeth are about to improve.
Possible complications in the impact after youngest extractions:Pain due to perdarahanInfeksiBengkak on mulutBibir cracked/dried out due to friction from the hands of the doctor if pembedahanBengkak on the adjacent to the esophagus inflammation will be gone within 1-2 days after that are lost will. This happens because the body of the response to the injury as a result of the operation.
There is a risk that the patient will be in the can after removing the teeth is the youngest dentist or tampalan in the maxillary bone broken, torn, the nerves will be sad, but against these risks can be back to normal in a few weeks.