Hormonal birth control is the attempt to check the pregnancy hormone. Some hormonal contraceptives that are usually done through mini-pills, birth control pills, injections and implants. A hormone that is involved in this type of contraception is estrogen, progesterone, and both combined (estrogen + progesterone = progestins).
Hormonal contraception is a way of working by pressing the process of ovulation. During ovulation, the egg is released from the ovary. But if ovulation does not occur, there is no egg fertilize and a pregnancy cannot occur.
Nursing mothers should avoid hormonal contraceptives that contain estrogen, because these hormones, the quality and quantity of breast milk, breastfeeding for the first six months can reduce. Wait at least six weeks, when your milk supply is established, recently began with hormonal contraception. In addition, start with the lowest effective dose. Try hormone progestin that is proven safe for infants and do not affect milk supply.
Hormonal contraceptive pill-shaped has two General packaging, package 21 and 28 days. Both pills or mini pills, you should drink it every day without unturned so that security can be effective. While the contraceptive injection form various advantages. You don't have to drink it every day, because in a single injection, hormones for four to 12 weeks work. While the shape of the implant contraceptives typically contain progestins. The implant consists of six rubber trunk the size of a matchbook that contain hormones under the skin of your upper arm. The chances of getting pregnant is very small and is effective for up to five years.
Consult your doctor before taking any hormonal contraceptives, and don't forget to tell your medical history. However, since each type of hormonal contraception has disadvantages and advantages, as well as the different side effects. Common side effects associated with hormonal contraceptives include nausea, headache, more body weight and reduced sexual desire. Therefore consult your doctor can help you the type of hormonal birth control that best suits your lifestyle as well as your personal comfort.