Composing his a menu fast diabetics indeed difficult difficult easy. The month of Ramadan is a blessed month for Muslims, not just for one nation, but for all mankind. But what are the effects or consequences of fasting for a diabetic? Diabetes is a disease that is caused by the fault of the body's immune system, and the damage of the cells of the pancreas to produce the hormone insulin. This causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood not only other consciousness disorders even to damage to the nervous system to to death.
And fasting blood sugar levels of diabetics
Blood sugar levels in normal people ranges between 60 – 120 mg/dl, whereas for a patient of diabetes, their sugar levels could reach more than 200 mg/dl. At the time of his fast, can the sugar levels in the blood reach up to 126 mg/dl. Then if someone with diabetes fasting blocks? As seen from the sugar levels is likely to be handed down, wouldn't it mean fasting activity is ideal for diabetics. However, not all people with diabetes can do it fast. For those who already have failed multiple organ function, maybe not recommended to fast because it feared would suffer complications that can exacerbate the condition.
Fasting menus for diabetics
What kind of menu fast diabetics who either is it? Indeed it is as simple as making idak food menu as usual. Fasting menus for people with diabetes to be hard-wired in neat and is aimed at:
Controlling and lowering blood sugar levels in urine sugar levels darahMenurunkan to negative and bisaMengontrol weight loss for obese diabetics who experiences.
The food must be limited for diabetics during Lent is the food high sugar levels such as syrup, jelly, and sweetened condensed milk and the like. In addition, stay away from foods with a lot of sodium, and foods with excessive fat content.
What about the foods that can be used? Foods that should be consumed with food is a source of complex carbohydrates and foods containing protein sources as well as low-fat. With diabetes does not mean that it can not be fasting. For diabetics who let fasting do. Of course everything required with mengkonsultasikan used to a doctor and check your blood sugar levels regularly. Quick Menu arranged for diabetics should be programmed to functions and purposes. To consult your nutritionist to imagine a quick menu diabetics.