unconsciously diabetes can lead to complications in all organs of the body. Not too late to go with it, you can research to the medical experts. Or you can also use the signs of diabetes by other parts of the body, such as the mouth to observe.
Poor oral health condition could be indicating that you to diabetes suffers. Here are the characters that are displayed in the mouth due to increased levels of glucose in the body:
Tooth Decay
In addition to less maintain the cleanliness of teeth, elevated glucose levels can also lead to tooth decay. Bacteria in the mouth can quickly communicate with the sweet food that is consumed. As a result, resulting in the dental plaque.
Tooth Decay
Diabetes resulted in a decrease in the body's immune system so the body in trouble against bacteria. The event is this than the onset of decay and inflammation of the gums.
Dry mouth
Other oral diabetes sign is dry mouth due to a lack of saliva production by salivary glands. As a result, can prevent problems such as pain, canker sores, tooth decay and infections.
Fungal Infections
Saliva with a high sugar content can lead to fungus thrives. As a result, it can lead to the beginning of the infection and developed in the wound.