imbalance is a very common problem. This is usually caused by diet and lifestyle are usually less healthy. Although it seems simple, can affect hormonal imbalance health. In the long run can lack or imbalance of hormones in women cause infertility. Here are the features of hormone imbalance in women:
Weight rises unexpectedly
If you do not eat in large portions and performed with regular exercise, but your weight only increases, it may be caused by hormonal imbalances.
Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are symptoms of menopause which is usually by a feeling of warmth throughout the body during ± 2-30 minutes characterized. Face flushed warm taste when they accompanied by touch. It is caused by changes in hormones in the body, causing dilation of blood vessels and increased heart rate.
Hormones play a role to make someone feel very warm. At a time when the hormones start experiencing of peberubahan, people tend to be more diaphoretic and tend to feel tired.
Irregular menstruation
The cycle of the Moon dating depends on the monthly hormonal changes. So, in the case of hormonal changes in the body, it will have an impact on not had a cycle dating back months. It can be on a suwatu time someone experienced a late dating months, while on the other hand, the time so heavy bleeding caused by hormonal hyperactivity.
Low sexual Libido
Hormone imbalance will also affect libido. If someone has decreased sexual desire or not uncommon, perhaps due to the condition of the hormones that are messed up.
When the condition of unbalanced hormone, a person tends to be more irritated and depressed.
Hair Loss
Hair growth also influenced by hormones. If someone has a high hormone levels, then the hair growth will also be thick and fast. However, if the condition is not balanced hormones, can someone go through a pretty serious hair loss.
If a woman has been trying to get pregnant but not yet getting children, preferably carried out research to determine whether the hormone imbalance in the body.
At the time of disruption of hormones on the brain active, memory failure experienced. This has resulted in a person who is careless and forgetful.
Vaginal dryness
If the vaginal surface usually stay moist, especially during the fertile and even suddenly vaginal itching dries, it may be caused by low levels of hormones in the body.