Medicinal plants have to be known in the treatment of different diseases. Even medicinal plant touted as a drug without side effects. Is it so? In fact, it was some research discovered side effects of using plants for women's health.
Anything exaggeration of course is not good. So is a medicinal plant used in excess, adverse effects on the health of women actually can bring. In addition, the use of medicinal plants also comments that are not good on women's health, such as allergies.
One of the side effects of the use of plants for women's health is blood curdling on wearing angelica, ginseng, gingko, chammomile and overload.
Licorice is used to treat all kinds of health problems such as flu, sore throat and tuberculosis. But it turns out that excessive consumption of liquorice also constitutes a potential danger to the health of the heart, even can lead to hypertension. Therefore, women with kidney disorders and hypertension forbidden to consume licorice.
Use Comfrey to overcome attacks of indigestion and cancer has been studied. However, the study found that in Comfrey is contained carcinogenic alkaloids pyrrolizidin. Ingestion of comfrey can cause gangugan of the liver.
Green tea, aloe and garlic are widely used in the treatment of a variety of health disorders can also cause allergies. Excessive consumption of ginseng can cause a person to feel anxiety, insomnia and nervous. In addition, green tea bends can lead to the appearance of disorders of the acid of the stomach when consumed in excess and continuously. The use of lavender and tea tree can also cause irritation of the skin.
Medicinal plants and modern drugs are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies is now widely available. Now your decision to choose which one is best to treat your illness is ago.
To prevent the side effects of the use of plants for women's health, it is good to must first consult the doctor about medicinal plants and composition that is safe for your health. The way of presentation and the right dose can affect the health of the body. For it before to do the treatment/long term consumption, it is necessary to find out as much as possible about the applications and dosages side effects of herbs that you want to use.